Shipping & Delivery Policy

Shipping & Delivery Policy


We offer shipping for all orders across India.
Currently, we do not provide international shipping.


All the orders below INR 200/- must be PREPAID ORDERS ONLY.


  1. Orders exceeding INR 200/- can be placed as COD/POD or Online Prepaid orders.
  2. FREE SHIPPING is provided for orders valued above INR 600/-.
  3. COD is available for a maximum order value of up to INR 4999/-. For orders exceeding INR 5000/-, only prepaid orders are accepted.
  4. We accept payments via Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, UPI, Paytm, Cash on Delivery, and Pay on Delivery.
  5. All prices (MRP or Discounted Rates) include GST.
  6. Delivery will take 4-6 days, with variations based on the shipping address and pin code.
  7. You will receive a notification on your registered contact number and email once the order is shipped.



  1. A notification will be sent to the registered contact number and email address upon the order being shipped from our warehouse.
  2. Address changes are permitted if the order has not been shipped. Once the status is "Ready to Ship" with a No, it will be processed at the provided address.
  3. It is mandatory to include an email address in each order for effective communication.
  4. Upon shipping, the customer will receive an SMS on their registered number and an email containing the order and tracking details.
  5. The company is not responsible for delays caused by natural disasters or unforeseeable events.
  6. We will aid in tracking parcels in case of issues arising from the delivery partner's side.
  7. Refrain from disclosing any OTP to the delivery partner until your order has been successfully delivered to you at your given shipping address.

NOTE:  If a customer rejects three separate Cash on Delivery (COD) / Pay on Delivery (POD) orders, the system will automatically designate them for prepaid orders exclusively in the future.

  If someone places a bulk order of more than ?2999, cancellation should only be allowed within 24 hours.


To monitor your order, log in to your registered account, go to "My Account," select "My Orders," and then click on "Track Order."

Normally, cancellations can be made within 48 hours. However, if the order has already been dispatched, it cannot be canceled but can be returned instead. 


Delivery Policy:

To ensure that your order is delivered on-time, please make sure of the following while entering your Shipping Address and Phone Number details:

  1. Provide complete address details with House Number, Floor, Street Name and Locality along with a Landmark.
  2. Enter correct City, State and Zip/Postal Code details. Orders may get misrouted if these details are incorrect.
  3. Kindly make sure that Phone number (preferably mobile) is correct and reachable. We may need to call you for delivery related queries.

In case of Cash on Delivery orders, please make sure someone is available at the shipping address to pay cash by tendering exact change. If you receive a damaged parcel, please DO NOT accept it and inform us at 9560538138  (10AM – 7PM) or email us at my email.